
Syubanuddin Murom
Syir Hindzy Fityah CG


The aims of this study is to determine verbal communication messages of the Sani Tipar (Widal) language by the Tipar Society of Sukabumi City. This research will explain the verbal communication messages through the messages, the meaning of messages and how to present messages. This research used a qualitative approach with the ethnographic method of communication. Data was collected through participant observation, interviews and document analysis. There are 5 informants is determined  through  a  purposive  sampling technique. Data analysis techniques through the description, analysis and interpretation. Test the validity through triangulation of data sources. The study was conducted in Tipar Village, Citamiang District, Sukabumi City. The results of this study indicate that the form of Sani Tipar (Widal)language messages in the Tipar Society of Sukabumi City is basically the replacement of consonantal letters from the use of basic languages, namely Sundanese and Indonesian. The meaning messages of the Sani Tipar (Widal) language for the Tipar Society, Sukabumi City as a code to convey confidential information, Sani Tipar language (Widal) as a character and culture, so that it becomes a pride for its users. The use of Sani Tipar (Widal) can familiarize oneself with fellow speakers because they feel they are from the same culture or region. The Sani language also shows the identity and differentiator of the Tipar Society from other regions. In this inheritance, Sani Tipar (Widal) language is used in daily life and the language still exists to know and has been known by some Sukabumi people. The way of presenting the Tipar language (Widal) depends on the basic language used in communication. This language does not contain SPOK elements because the use of the Tipar (Widal) language depends on the basic language, so only the letters in the word are replaced according to the formula in the Tipar (Widal) languag


How to Cite
Murom, S., & Fityah CG, S. H. . (2021). KOMUNIKASI VERBAL BAHASA SANI TIPAR (WIDAL) DALAM KEHIDUPAN MASYARAKAT TIPAR KOTA SUKABUMI. Jurnal Komunikasi Media Dan Budaya, 1(1), 27–36. Retrieved from https://jurnal.aspikomjabar.org/index.php/jaj/article/view/7


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