Strategi Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Produk UMKM di Shopee
This research explores crucial marketing communication strategies to enhance sales of UMKM products on the Shopee platform amidst competition supported by celebrities. Qualitative research methods are employed, with brand communication theory serving as the analytical framework. The primary focus is on pertinent and relevant content strategies, which are pivotal in establishing strong emotional connections with the audience. Well-designed content with attractive graphic elements can enhance content appeal and foster deep emotional ties with consumers. The study identifies regular content updates on the Shopee platform as a critical strategy to maintain consumer engagement and provide up-to-date information. Furthermore, the research sheds light on the influence of popular content on Shopee in driving consumer engagement and highlights the benefits of using compelling endorsers to improve brand awareness. The selection of the right social media platform, based on in-depth consumer preference analysis, significantly impacts the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Overall, this study demonstrates that the integration of high-quality content strategies, regular content updates, the creation of popular content, appropriate platform selection, and the use of attractive endorsers are key to building strong consumer engagement and enhancing brand exposure on Shopee. By implementing these strategies effectively, UMKM can expand their reach, increase brand awareness, and influence consumer purchasing decisions.
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